Tai Chi Movement

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  Tai Chi Ch'uan Outline(
Yin/Yang balanced movement forms
Tai Chi Ch'uan
Tai Chi Ch'aun Brief Class Description

This ancient art from the east offers literally a moving experience through motion in meditation. The disciplines are choreographed from 64 forms that provide a steady stream of Chi cultivation, enhancing health, agility with simultaneous awareness. The surprising results produce relaxation, enjoyment and most importantly a connection to feel vitality of life.

History of Kuang Ping Tai Chi Style
Kuang Ping or sometimes spelled "Guang Ping" Tai Chi Chuan simply illustrates the historical and lineage link between the Chen Family and the Yang Family Taijiquan. Yang Ban Hou shared his knowledge to only a few disciples one of these was Wang Chiao-Yu; based in Beijing as he latter taught Kuo Lien-Ying that brought it to the West. These forms of Kuang Ping nicely differentiation between the complementary of "yin" and "yang" while integrating into a number of other well-defined silk drawn movements. This form can be traced from Yang Ban Hou who was the second son of Yang Lu Chan who had learned Taijiquan from the Chen Family.  The Sixty Four Movements was designed to relate with the sixty four hexagrams of the I Ching that supports both Yang and Chen Style Practitioners.

Tai Chi Ch'aun Class Brief Outline (64 Forms of Kuang Ping Style)
 ( 1 ("Strike palm ask Buddha". ( 2 ( "Grasp the birds tail"  ( 3 ( "The single whip"( 4 (. "Stork cools its wings #1" ( 5 ( "Stork cools its wings #2"  ( 6 ( "Brush knee and twist step" ( 7 ( "Deflect downward and parry punch"( 8 ( "Step up, apparent close up". ( 9 ( "Carry the tiger to the mountain".( 10 ( "Spiral hands and punch" ( 11 ( "Fist under elbow"  ( 12 ( "Step back and repulse the monkey". ( 13 ( "Slow palm slanting flying" ( 14 ( "Raise right hand" ( 15 ( "Raise left hand"  16 ( "Fly pulling back and step up". ( 17 ( "Fan through the arm"( 18 ( "Green dragon dropping water" ( 19 ( "Single whip"( 20 ( "Wave hands like clouds (Palms Down version)" ( 21 ( "High pat on the horse".( 22 ( "Separation of the right foot". ( 23 ( "Separation of the left foot"( 24 ( "Pivot around and turn kick with sole" ( 25 ( "Wind blowing lotus leaf (left style)" ( 26 ( "(Right style)" ( 27 ( "Finger block up with fist ".( 28 ( "Turn around, double kick and feet upward" ( 29 ( "Step through parry punch" ( 30 ( "Step back, arms besides body" ( 31 ( "Left foot kicking up and forward" at 3/4 turn. ( 32 ( "Pivot, kick and perry punch" ( 33 ( "Chop opponent with fist". ( 34 ( "Chop opponent with fist and step downward". ( 35 ( "Single whip"( 36 ( "Partition of the wild horse's mane".( 37 ( "Fair lady works the shuttles (Four Positions)" ( 38 ( "Step up, grasp the bird's tail"( 39( "Single whip and repeat wave hands like clouds, single whip down". ( 40 ( "Golden cock stands on one leg" 41 ( "Step back and repulse the monkey".( 42 ( "Slow palm slanting flying".( 43( "Raise right hand" ( 44 ( "Raise left hand" ( 45 ( "Fly pulling back and step up"  ( 46 ( "Fan through the arm" ( 47 ( "Push with open hands"( 48 ( "Strike opponent's ears with both fist". ( 49 ( "cannon through sky".( 50 ( "Single Whip" ( 51 ( "Wave hands like clouds" ( 52 ( "High Pat on the Horse" ( 53( "Cross wave of water lily" ( 54 ( "Downward fist" ( 55 ( "Step up, grasp birds tail ( 56 ( "Single Whip","Wave hands like clouds" ( 57 ( "Step up to form the stars"( 58 ( "Retreat to ride the tiger" ( 59 ( "Slanting body turn the moon" ( 60 ( "Cross wave of water lily" 62 ( "Grasp birds tail (left Style)" ( 63 ( "Grasp birds tail (right Style)"( 64 ( "Step back to grand terminus"  

    Pa r t   1

Feet shoulder width a part center in axis, breath in and raise arms up from sides vertically in front of you to shoulder width and height. Palms down, and shift your weight to the right foot and bring your arms down behind reaching behind in wide arc and when passing arms by waist lift left foot forward planting foot on heal only. Bring hands together and ( 1 ("Strike palm ask Buddha".

( 2 ( "Grasp the birds tail" by rotating hands 3/4 turn degrees right hand on top and draw a 45 degree arch with arms/hands to your left back with left foot. Draw right foot on ball next to left foot and post lightly while completing the arch forward of arms/hands movement. Arms and hands shall draw to front by rotating left and right hand sideways by laying left hand front to right hand. Then rotate arms/hands to far right in horizontal sweep.

( 3 ( "The single whip" Then curls hand across right hand down 1/4 turn (Ducts feet) and spread left foot outward 180 degrees as arm continuously passes through your center (let left foot spread widely 180 degree in flat position) pushing sideways both arms spread out as opposite positions in rotation with left hand down and right hand up 1/4 turn from arms. Then rotate body left in following leg behind as new 1/2 turn position. Allow left arm to go down (hand towards ground) and let right arm follow in swing over your head until both swing in front of you with right-hand vertical against heart and left hand horizontal face down. The right leg should be planted on toe in front after this position.

After a tap to right foot on right side, allow left to come forward on toe. Arms should fall horizontal with right hand on top of left at heart level. ( 4 (. "Stork cools its wings #1" ( 5 ( "Stork cools its wings #2" Left foot reached behind as walking backwards and arms swings left to right (Deflect) in sideways position walk back 4 times as alternating this position. ( 6 ( "Brush knee and twist step"

At last step, stop with left foot on heal, allow arms to complete one more cycle and bring right arm behind you while left hand cups in front of you shoulder height and ( 7 ( "Deflect downward and parry punch" with first of right hand. After reaching beyond left hand a few inches, relax and open fist as hands faced down so to lift hands/arms up in arch position both sides together.

Leaning back with arms overhead. ( 8 ( "Step up, apparent close up". Push forward with arms/hands while taking one step forward until hands go horizontal and point forward. Then rotate whole body left direction to half turn and ( 9 ( "Carry the tiger to the mountain". Spiral hands clockwise in open prayer position and walk forward 3 times. ( 10 ( "Spiral hands and punch" on final step keep left foot in front of you. Then bring right arm behind you while left hand cups in front of you shoulder height and fist with right hand forward. ( 11 ( "Fist under elbow". After reaching beyond right hand beyond left draws and relax fist in open position drawing right hand under left elbow in flower ellipse position with both hands rising and meeting from opposite positions.

Retreat by ( 12 ( "Step back and repulse the monkey". Retreat by walking backwards and pushing hands back and forth in alternating position of left to right 3 times. At 5th step, hold right foot out on ball and pivot to left direction around on right foot with left foot back. (Skew body 45 degrees) in left direction and cross wrist near front of stomach. ( 13 ( "Slow palm slanting flying". Step right foot out forward on ball at 3/4 turn angle and fan arms by raising right arm high slant position and left arm in low slant position while drawing right foot out again. Move forward with left foot to front position and rock from heal of foot to ball. Continue letting right arm complete cycle reaching above, and let left arm meet. Cup hands together and ( 14 ( "Raise right hand" and draw left hand (fingers together) down to pull energy from ground up to sky and back to original cup position while retreating back right foot. Pivot body half turn and repeat with left foot to mirror previous exercise. Move forward with right foot and cup hands and draw left hand down to pull energy from ground and. ( 15 ( "Raise left hand" step up left hand up to sky and back to original cup hands position while returning left foot and bring hands back in original position.

    Pa r t   2 

Rotate hands flat horizontally to reach out and draw hands back in and then step out again and draw left hand to front shoulder height at left waist area and ( 16 ( "Fly pulling back and step up". Right hand to circle front to top horizontal flat position facing down and left hand draws facing up underneath right hand at waist level. And step out ( 17 ( "Fan through the arm". Left side 1/4 turn in fan shape position while left hand stays put. Change to right direction, 1/2 turn as ( 18 ( "Green dragon dropping water" and step forward then step in with hands at horizontal position.

Push forward and drag right foot against left foot palms outward then move forward in direction. Do repeat ( 19 ( "Single whip" as hands swing in front of face pivot. Hands at top shoulder height and left hand at waist height and let shift weight back to right foot and do ( 20 ( "Wave hands like clouds (Palms Down version)" as changing hands left and right in oval positions as well as straddling sideways in leftward direction to 3 steps. The do single whip pivot as left half turn with left foot on heal in front and ( 21 ( "High pat on the horse". Step back and Hand at chest height, palms down drawing hands above head height then forward with right foot while making right hand in circle position to bottom waist line and cross hands (right hand in front of left) from below and twist arms as rising vertically above head. ( 22 ( "Separation of the right foot". By kicking with the left foot and touching hand to toe. Then repeating with the right same formation doing the ( 23 ( "Separation of the left foot". (Just switch with left hand in front of right hand while twisting hands vertically above head.

( 24 ( "Pivot around and turn kick with sole" with left-hand open cutting across diagonally in front instep. ( 25 ( "Wind blowing lotus leaf (left style)" deflects downward walking forward alternating diagonally. Push with hands forward where one deflects downward and pull back hands parallel. Alternate .( 26 ( "(Right style)" wind blowing lotus leaf" (3 times). ( 27 ( "Finger block up with fist "punch right am down and left hand faced outward up. Pivot around 3/4 turn while palms outward. Both fist extend front of chest with right hand extending further.( 28 ( "Turn around, double kick and feet upward" deflect across downward. ( 29 ( "Step through parry punch" with open hands. ( 30 ( "Step back, arms besides body" With dropped arms in front at waistline allow right hand in front of left hand and twist hands/arms rising vertically above head.

( 31 ( "Left foot kicking up and forward" at 3/4 turn. ( 32 ( "Pivot, kick and perry punch" Repeat the dropped arms in front at waistline but allow left hand in front of right hand and twist hands/arms rising vertically above head. Separation of the right foot and turn around. ( 33 ( "Chop opponent with fist". Stepping in single whip and stop across left and let right palm under left elbow (Left elbow in vertical upright position) .( 34 ( "Chop opponent with fist and step downward". Walk forward alternating right hand in front fist and left hand down across over to front. Step in to right and to left and right again in wide stance sinking body low and out. Bring hands in front as fist. Repeat ( 35 ( "Single whip" step in and out and bring hands in front in fist. Step across in right foot. .( 36 ( "Partition of the wild horse's mane". In fisted position, walk forward 4 steps with sweeping hands using one hand at front shoulder height and other at waist height (Alternating)-step in as single whip. ( 37 ( "Fair lady works the shuttles (Four Positions)" step to the right and punch through and step to the left and pivot half turn. Right hand rest under left elbow (left arm in vertical position). One first punches forward upward position while other arm rest horizontally above.

( 38 ( "Step up, grasp the bird's tail" push forward but do not step forward until your going into. Repeat ( 39( "Single whip &repeat wave hands like clouds" (palms down) Repeat. .Repeat the single whip down. Horse stance and single whip down sinking. Straiten up with on leg and in alternating foot/arm position .( 40 ( "Golden cock stands on one leg". Flick right arm/leg and alternate with left (4 times).

Repeat ( 41 ( "Step back and repulse the monkey". 3 steps backwards walking and pushing hands back and forth in alternating position of left to right. At 3rd step, hold right foot out on ball and pivot to left direction around on right foot with left foot back. Rotate body 3/4 turn.  

    Pa r t   3

( 42 ( "Slow palm slanting flying". (Repeat) Step right foot out on ball at 3/4 turn angle and fan arms by raising right arm high slant position and left arm in low slant position while drawing right foot out again. Move forward with left foot to front position and rock from heal of foot to ball. Continue letting right arm complete cycle reaching above, and let left arm meet. Cup hands together and ( 43( "Raise right hand" (Repeat) and draw left hand (fingers together) down to pull energy from ground up to sky and back to original cup position while retreating back right foot. Pivot body half turn and repeat with left foot to mirror previous exercise. Move forward with right foot and cup hands and draw left hand down to pull energy from ground and ( 44 ( "Raise left hand" (Repeat) step up left hand up to sky and back to original cup hands position while returning left foot and bring hands back in original position.

Repeat ( 45 ( "Fly pulling back and step up" step up and Repeat ( 46 ( "Fan through the arm" (Repeat) and step through" towards the direction of fan (of left arm) and stepping through with right foot forward and pushing forward ( 47 ( "Push with open hands" as open hand reach in front circle, reach lower at waist line and circle back and forward in fisted position to direct front. ( 48 ( "Strike opponent's ears with both fist". Step again forward extend fist to come together outward and then inward with arms towards chest ( 49 ( "Cannon through the sky". Both arms stretch out frontal direction with both in fisted hands (facing fist upward) with right fist further out than left.

( 50 ( "Single Whip" (Repeat) ( 51 ( "Wave hands like clouds" (Repeat-revised) upper hand facing in and lower palms facing up oval motion then in 3/4 turn in ducts feet position stepping out in single whip and turn around repeat ( 52 ( "High Pat on the Horse" (Repeat). Step out with left foot forward and right foot kick up frontally to hands which have extended horizontally. ( 53( "Cross wave of water lily" both left and right arms swing left to right while right hand goes frontally straight out and left arm falls against forehead. Raise arms, stepping to the left. ( 54 ( "Downward fist" stepping left ( 55 ( "Step up, grasp birds tail (Left Style)" Single whip dropping right hand into ducts feet position left hand swing across the elbow and single whip step up, grasp birds tail (Left Style). (Repeat) ( 56 ( "Single Whip". ( 56.1 ( "Wave hands like clouds" (Repeat- revised) upper hand facing in and lower palms facing up oval motion then step out in single whip position as ( 56.2 ( "Single whip down" dropping down wide step (Squat) outward reaching with left foot out and left hand pointing while right hand is at opposite direction. Step forward drawing right foot in next to left foot still holding squat and then draw both arms fisted in front position ( 57 ( "Step up to form the stars" to and let right foot step back again with arms opposite positions by letting left arm in direct front and right arm in direct back horizontally, then do 1/2 turn

( 58 ( "Retreat to ride the tiger" weight right shift right foot turn 1/4 turn sideways and left foot in ducts feet position behind ( 59 ( "Slanting body turn the moon" stepping forward with left foot and left hand is pushing and right in ducts feet position ( 60 ( "Cross wave of water lily" to kick by swing left foot from side to front ( 61 ( "Shoot tiger with bow" to draw the first in towards out the body alternating quickly left/right then draw right fist in step over to the right foot in and step back left foot. (Repeat) 62 ( "Grasp birds tail (left Style)" pushing forward and turn palms up shift your weight back again, bring right foot back in, hands to the hips, stepping back, now with the right foot reach to the left palm up on top and right palm facing up in circle to the right, stepping back in again. (Repeat) ( 63 ( "Grasp birds tail (right Style)" to pushing forward palms up again bring hands and step back in again and palms facing upward and reach up straighten the legs all the way up and arms up palms up.

( 64 ( "Step back to grand terminus" bow, pushing outward.

Bio: John Salat has nearly 30 years of practice through the exploration with mind/body integration.
This creation offers an action pack borrowed from various A.T.M. (Known as Awareness Through Movement). Such new fields of ATM innovations studied by John were Semantics, Feldenkrais Method �, Tai Chi, Qigong, Alexander methods and continuum. More at <Info>                             
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