Yoga Led by John Salat
Introduction: This
one-of-a-kind intensive
experience combines nature
meditation walk with
outdoor Yoga,�an
adventure you'll never forget.
The Activity:
invite you to join us on a supportive, fun
and healing journey in Orange County
Wilderness Park. During the 90 minutes, you can stretch your mind and
body on this beautiful 2.4-mile hike. Transitions of movement
continuously follows meditative experience of a spatial warm-up
trek following a final stop, staged under an grand oak tree for yoga. Walking meditation mindfully
helps you stay connected rather dissociates
yourself from your body for having an easy,
relaxed and safe way to bond with your yoga
experience. (No talking towards destinations
as the return hike allows plenty time for free
causal conversations and social affairs).
Poetic Prescription: Have a vacation from your pains,
concerns and worries. Imagine a place where healing
body-mind-soul evolves around the outdoors.
Owning intuitively your movement, enjoy the gift of calming your
presence with the beautiful surroundings.
Clear your mind and access your intuition to
claim you�re spacious awareness as being
"in-tuned" to the outdoors. Find your organic pace and
natural metronome as you are in discovery
spiritually. Listen to your body guiding you
in the path it needs to go. No punishing work
or stress, just innocent movement taking you innately through a nature walk in a path of
self-discovery. "Experience moving your inner
energy to create the most powerful and
positive feeling for being spiritually alive".
Why Natural Outdoors: Our feet and ankles are not made
to hygienically walk on level surfaces or
concrete. Walking ideally follows on a
natural, uneven surface. A park, forest or
beach is perfect. In this place and time when
there is natural quiet settings, away from
urban sounds, we do not need to push out noise
of machines and chop out the kinesthetical
experience and instead we get to invite
ourselves newly inside the outside appearing
to 10:30 (RSVP all classes) Classes rotate
monthly at "T.B.D" of each month
Where: TBD in South Orange County
(Yoga Matt Optional) If you are bringing a
mat, then backpack in encouraged allowing
free arms during hiking meditation portion.
Cost: $20.00
per person
Required: Contact
John (949) 235-4847 SalatJohn@gmail.com
Like to Try Also: Our
Meditation Walks, see Info