ancient, yet sacred art of Reiki
is literally an unforgettable
experience. Reiki is
an ancient healing technique
originated somewhere between the
Mid and Far Eastern region. With
thousands of years passed, the
most recent recorded history
carried through Japan 150 years
ago and later migrated into the
West. Since then, its
development and tradition has
spread worldwide to millions of
people to benefit both
themselves and others.
though Reiki is an ancient
eastern art utilizing Universal
Energy, It is
not affiliated with any
religion, yet experiences can
feel spiritual-like in nature. It has
been practiced by many cultures
longer than modern medicine yet
is a world accepted energy
medicine of comprehensive
science shared through journals
of both modern medicine and
physics. In
fact Reiki is not esoteric as
its been recognized as
continuing education in many
mainstream practice including
common massage schools. In
complementary therapy, Reiki is
also found in many hospitals and
clinics as listed through
National Center for
Complementary and Alternative
Medicine "NCCAM",
along with the U.S. National
Institutes of Health (NIH). You
don't have to be broken to get
better receiving Reiki
treatments or its therapy may be
misleading. All sessions are fit
for everyone who's looking into
a soothing experience all
inclusive for all levels
(mental/ emotional / physical
Reiki is
a natural intelligent force that
comes from abundance, a source
believe to be the same source as
creation itself. Reiki will
naturally go where it is most
needed without necessary
controlling it or at times the
energy can be directed
intuitively which is felt by a
practitioner Reiki can be used
solely to treat oneself or to
treat others as it stimulates
the already innate healing
characteristics that exist
(pronounced ray-kee) is a
simple, safe, effective healing
system that promotes Natural
Life Energy to help dissolves
the clogged energy and return
the body, mind, emotions and
spirit to their natural
state. Literally
translated, Rei means "Universal
Life Force" and Ki means "Guided
Energy". Guided in that Reiki
activates the body's natural
ability to heal itself in it's
natural intelligent state. We
are alive because the
intelligent life force is
flowing through us. Life force
flows within the physical body
and it also flows around us. Pending
on ones' orientation
the context of words with this
Energy can be identified as
Holy Spirit, "Prana", Ruah,
Barraka or Nous. This life
force nourishes the organs and
cells of the body, supporting
them in their vital functions.
When this flow of life force is
disrupted, it causes diminished
function in one or more of the
organs and tissues of the
physical body while in
conjunction liberates energy
flow on mental and emotional
Reiki promotes healing on levels
of our being at physical,
mental, and emotional
experience, it actively seeks
ones natural energetic balance
as whole. When these balances
meet, it promotes personal &
spiritual growth. Also, Reiki
expands consciousness that
stimulates intuitive, spiritual
and creative awareness ongoing
throughout after treatment.
Reiki Experience
is a liberating experience of
natural energy flow. It treats
the WHOLE person - as one energy
integration of body, emotions,
mind and spirit that creates
many beneficial effects. This
wave like effect includes
relaxation, feelings of peace
and security. Reiki experience
feels similar to like a long
meditation or deep physical
massage, but without physical
contact or concentrated efforts.
An effortless half hour of Reiki
is equivalent to several hours
of deep relaxing sleep. Because
Reiki is passive and effortless
through experience, it makes it
one of the most trusted,
effective and natural stress
relief in health improvement
heals by feeling the flow
through the affected parts and
releasing the natural positive
energy as it restores the
natural state. It opens levels
of the energy in and around ones
awareness releasing immobility
of emotions, feelings and
physical sensations that
sometimes bind us. Reiki causes
the frozen energy to melt and
fall away naturally and subtly
without force. Reiki clears,
straightens and open the energy
pathways to allow the life force
to flow in natural ways.
Reiki releases the body of built
up energy, relieves pain,
soothes shock, calms the mind
and emotions, and accelerates
the body's natural ability to
heal itself all at the same
time, thus promotes a state of
energy goes to the deeper levels
of a persons being into
experience. It goes seeking an
origin to where the recipient
needs it most, releasing blocked
energies and create a state of
energetic balance. During Reiki,
it is common for either the
sender and/or the receiver to
experience heat, flush tingling,
deep peace, or depthful feelings
associate visions ranging from
very subtle to very acute. A
Reiki attunement feels like a
wonderful glowing radiance that
flows through you and surrounds
you. As a result to this smother
balance, it offers a manner to
producing healthy energetic
adjustments that gains higher
spirits with one's lifestyles.
Whichever energy level is
working with each individual, it
always provides a pleasant state
of relaxation, peace, and sense
of self nurtured.
activates the body's natural
ability to heal itself. Life
force nourishes the organs and
cells of the body, supporting
them in their vital functions.
Because Reiki promotes healing
on levels of our being at
physical, mental, and emotional
experience, yet actively seeks
ones natural energetic balance
as whole. When these balances
meet, it promotes personal &
spiritual growth. As a
result to this smother balance,
it offers a healthy energetic
adjustments which propels higher
spirits with one's overall
lifestyles. Whichever energy
level is working with each
individual, it always provides a
pleasant state of relaxation,
peace, and sense of self
Reiki Means and
the influence at positive check,
the work of this ancient
knowledge occurs through fun,
love and most of all a genuine
sacred atmosphere. I believe
when teaching becomes light and
playful, then the energy stream
flows most beneficially for
The most
interesting experience about
Reiki is that even though it
requires an Reiki Master to
facilitate it, the
energies one experience is
derived from latent pathway of
energy, already sitting
idle in the present body (Yourself).
The Teacher is facilitator that
conducts these forces in a way
which students may begin feeling
the sprays of loosening energy
that return the body, mind,
emotions to their natural
universal state. The
process starts when the Reiki
Master opens the Universal Life
Energy through the hands into
the receiver's body and is given
with the receiver in a seated
position. Activation of Reiki is
made possible within the hands
(Without necessary
physical touch) by a process
called an attunement". The
process of attunement can only
be carried-out by a Reiki Master
which allows the person to tap
into and direct the Reiki
energy. Reiki will naturally go
where it is most needed without
necessary controlling it as the
energy is directed intuitively.
Reiki can
be facilitated through various
methods. Classes can be
conducted one-on-one or in a
small group depending on
students preference and setting.
There are 1-hour treatments
known as "attunments" which
students sometimes prefer or
they can also enrolled into a
full class program which
provides benefits to a "certification"
while also maintaining a
high energy boost called "initiations".
difference between an Reiki
Treatment and Reiki Attunment
are distinct amongst themselves.
An Reiki treatment is more
specific of areas of treatment,
usually done one-on one in
laying position with lasting
several minutes to one hour
depending on personal
arrangements. While an Reiki
attunment is attained is more
intensive while sitting in a
chair. The full attunment
accompanies by Reiki
Certification program called
degrees or levels (One through
three). Classes can be
individual one to one or as a
group as large as 7 people.
Although the word certification
or class sounds institutional in
nature, its experience is much
higher level because
facilitation occurs as a long
ceremony lasting several hours.
The attunment process is
different that of an treatment
because the body is sealed with
the energy thus having ever long
lasting effects.
Reiki is
experiential and can only be
received through an initiations
by another person. It cannot be
self taught from books, or
just lectured about. The
initiation occurs through a
practice of full day program
facilitated by a trained Reiki
Master. Classes can be conducted
one-on-one or in a small group
depending on students preference
and setting for facilitating
massage, there is no physical
body manipulation where instead
the energy is transferred simply
by placing the hands inches away
from the body in a sequence of
positions lasting a few minutes.
Sessions includes breaks,
sharing and open discussions to
integrate the experience. Each
Reiki Degree Class takes
approximately be 5 to 16 hours
depending on class size and
level of program administered.
Continuous training's are free
and also available for students
between the levels.
are not necessary yet are
impactful and pleasant. The
attunement itself can be very
healing and uplifting. Once a
person has been opened up to
become a "channel" for Reiki,
the concentrated universal life
force will flow through and
retain within them for the rest
of their life. More
info <<Reiki
Reiki Cost
Fee breakdowns for events and
session Fees