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                                                                                     Personal Profile                                                                      

John Salat is a awarded book author Tao The Mastery of Flow with over 25 years experience with Chi Work. His clients include well-known actors, athletes producers, writers, politicians doctors, nurses and holistic health practitioners, both in the U.S. and abroad, who participate in his unique workshops. John has transformed the lives of countless people through his work. It is not unusual when participating in John's programs for attendees to come away with a deep and soul-moving experience.

Leading over a thousand events from a variety of energy medicine, coaching and mindful movement courses, John has carved a unique niche in these areas of  studies. Using non traditional methods, he successfully works in concert with many professionals in the medical field from Psychologist, Physical Therapist and Doctors and successfully bridges these systems using his alternative methods. Additionally, while on tour John has made several public presentations for large groups including corporation events. He is a certified
"Transformational Leader", Reiki Master, Chi Instructor, Certified Hasya Yoga Leader and registered Siddhai and has followed through many graduate courses related to energy medicine work through accredited Esalen Institute.

As a bio-energetic practitioner and teacher, John takes pleasure in educating others and enjoys witnessing the transformation as his students and clients learn how to work harmoniously with the flow of energy within and around them. Above all, he is passionate about the influence this energy has on peoples quality of life, and enjoys sharing these rediscovered treasures of the ancient East to the West. Uniquely, he is known for his own blend of needle-less acupuncture in which he coined as P.S.H. "Primal Source Healing" as a natural restorative method. Additionally, John is an innovator of new mindful movement techniques which he teaches a series of refreshing courses at wellness centers throughout the county.  

Qi Gong
 John Salat
Left photo: John Salat on a Ancient China Tour to the Holy Mountain Summit of Mt. Tai (Founding temple of Taoism), and middle photo at the Confucius Temple all revered over the centuries in turn by Taoist, Buddhists & Confucianism. Right photo; Recent of John Salat at World Tai Chi and Qigong Day with Local Teachers.

Detailed Profile of John Salat      

Transformation  Coach, Reiki Master, Certified Chi Instructor, Healing Musician & Zen Architect
John Salat is inspired by tranquil themes which reflects as consistency in all of his work. An awarded  book Author, optimist, life coach, licensed architect, label musician, educational products and client recognized Chi instructor has made world attention. His meditative mediums have been featured in numerous magazine publications and broadcasted on radio and television. John leads weekly classes in executive communication skills, personal coaching, Tai Chi, Qigong, Meditation, Reiki and other mindfulness courses.  During his travels to China, John spent much time in the sacred temples where Tao and Confucianism originated. Along with his Chi work at the accredited Esalen Institute, he studied with the Tao's great living masters and has successfully integrated these and other Tao-derived healing modalities into Western mainstream teachings. As a certified Sidha, he crosses over with mid-eastern genres to leading countless seminars for eastern techniques, sourcing from a gradient flow of diversified practices.

To enhance Reiki, John was certified through several other energy advance Reiki lineage methods into mastership of each training system exploring multi-cultural healing techniques which certifications include "Usui Shiku Ryoho Reiki Mater training", Holy Fire Reiki Advance Training,  "Karuna Reiki" master training, "Kwan Yin" Reiki (level 2 training), and through other lineage of Sekem-Sechimï of SKHM International methods fro master teachers training. John continued to study energy work by comparing variety of techniques of Tao energy with Reiki to further augment Chi including using a mix of Rosin method, Feldenkrais Longevitology.  Presently, his education embraces Reiki with eastern energy in styles of T'ai Chi, Qigong with western models of awareness movement classes. For John Salat's Reiki Lineage Chart, <<see info>>

John attains "Transformational Leader" certification training through Innovention Leadership. A native and current resident of Southern California, Salat continually uses his twenty-five years of personal experience in bio-energetic transformational work. He is a successful multi-medium artist of published Zen work known for his meditative music, tranquil paintings, and Zen architecture, all reflecting the genre of "Living Chi" principals of tranquil themes. John is very affected by energy medicine and aesthetics into gestures of easy-flow nature.  His meditative medium(s) of Chi influenced work is published in dozens of magazines, broadcast through hundreds of radio stations and been interviewed on TV programs. In addition to architecture, John composed and produced an soul relaxation music CD entitled "Echoes of the Heart".  His album played over 500 radio stations and hit as most frequent played album for one major commercial radio station. John also appeared on KDOC Channel 56 of "Southland Today", WRAP Channel 29, "It's a Wrap", and public access channel, "DDTV, for his music achievements. His most recent achievement is his book release "Tao, Art of Flow" which is on tour His tours include interviews by national TV broadcast from High Noon Entertainment, Fox News, and many health related magazines and radio stations for his unique holistic breakthroughs. More info   

As a personal hobby, his activities with John Salat "Artist Way" classes not only unblocked his creative energy for expression, but also enable him to lead other events by introducing transformational energy tools for healing. Using enthusiasm as a key to to influence, John expressions went into improvisational theater. He partook in several public showcases allowing spontaneity come to play with fellow students; often what he refers to "Energy Theater". Away from theater, his other hobbies have been writing, architecture while making retreats to accredited Big Sur "Esalen Institute" where he enrolled in dozens of workshops supporting his interest of eastern/western body and mind awareness of integrating body energy development.  His own travels to China involved visiting a dozen holy sacred temples including where Tao and Confucianism originated. John also studied with great masters through eastern principals. These hands-on working experiences lead him to not only teach various movement styles, but also Tao communication applications in assisting ordinary people in applying these ancient systems into the practical modern world. In the mid 90's, John's studies of ancient east drew him into the easy-flow nature of Sumi brush painting. His enthusiasm help him capture the spirit of Zen using explosive nature of ancient art and symbols. The symbolic search motivated John to finish the final Reiki training. Since completing the Reiki mastership, he has conducted many group and individual sessions. (John Salat is 6th generation in the lineage of the Reiki founder Dr. Mikao Usui at 160 years ago and traveled to Japan to explore the findings of origins to this work at Kurama Mountain.

His personal training includes the most well known names in the industry such as Donna Eden author of "Energy Medicine", 90 year old Qi-gong Tao Master "Share K. Lew", Dr George J. Leonard, PHD  Michael Mayer, Master Fu Wei Zhong, Yuanming Zhang,  Stepheno Sabetti, Jane Malek and many other famous international known authors as award winning achievements and masters in the healing or awareness moving science arts. He successfully integrates these mediums comprehensibly into mainstream Western Hemisphere and since then been teaching Tai Chi, Qi-gong, Reiki, meditation events and other Tao modalities of work.

Besides facilitating personal treatments for clients,  John has taught and lead ongoing group events at College Community Services, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Irvine, Licensed Professional Medical Pain Center, Rehabilitation Centers, County Recreation Center, The Whole Being Center, Hollywood Bodhi Tree Center, Learning Light Center, The Temple of Light, Richness Temple, ETC Temple, Visions and Dreams Center, Retirement Communities, and Awakenings. In addition John has been on book  tour as a special guest speaker at Churches and other well established Healing Centers in Southern California including many major corporate events such as Kaiser, Disneyland, Hyundai with many others

 Interview with John Salat on "Body Mind & Soul" Broadcast

Media/Press Release
(Interviews with John Salat)

Book Release Reviews
Reiki Media Reviews
Talk Radio Show
Tai Chi Media Reviews
Healing Music Media Reviews
Art/Architecture Media Reviews

Tai Chi Demonstration and History from John Salat on YouTube.

Certification and Licensing: 

   C.T.L. Certified Transformational Leader (Innovations Leadership Inc.) ,L.Y.L   Certified Laughing Yoga Leader, .L.L.P. Completed Lifespring Leadership Trainings, T.M.A. Registered Sidha. (Transcendental Meditation Association), C.R.M. Certified Reiki Master (Usui System; Levels 1 through 3) Taught/Registered over 500 students levels 1 through 3, Certificate Trainings for Universal Reiki systems such as Holy Fire Reiki ART2 Masters, Seikeim Masters , Karuna Masters and Kwan Yin level 2, C.L.P. Landmark Education (Completed Curriculum for Living Programs, and License in California as an Architect.


University of Phoenix, Saddleback College, Accredited Esalen Institute with completion of 400 hours in course of education on Semantics, Energy Psychology, Awareness through Movement, Body-mind Transformational work, Gestalt, Qi-gong, Massage, with other Bio-energetic healing systems. Three part Tai Chi Chuan training at Coastline Community College, and Over 500 hours of Feldenkrais Method� of Awareness thru Movement (ATM), Professional affiliation History with: C.S.I., A.I.A. I.D.A., A.S.C.A.P., and C.G.P.

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