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Embrace yourself for the most unforgettable experience of owning energy flow. Watch depression and anxiety simply melt way as water-like sensation rinses through you. Be touched with new meaning in life as Reiki allows the essence of who we are rise like springs. The attunment(s) opens up rich experiences that in all produces whole new dimensions of living.
Certificate Programs; Levels 1 thru 3
Personal Treatment Session
Safety and Ease
Reiki Media Reviews with John Salat
Calender Dates/Newsletter
Testimonials From Students
Sessions are traditionally held in Lake Forest (South Orange County California), however for medium or large groups, classes can be facilitated outside the area through special arrangements. Also, one to one personal training or treatments available where formal class schedules may not suit you. For most of our events, clients may elect to come for a one-time session, or may come weekly, once or twice a month or as per your preference.
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